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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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College Football

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I would sic a legion of popped collars after you in a heartbeat.

I'd be alright...While I, personally, am extremely anti-popped-collar, I work at Abercrombie and Fitch and have thus been exposed to and acclimated to this kind of thing.

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Well this is great, I'm seeing Oregon prove why other than USC's little run no one's going to take the Pac-10 teams serious.

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I didn't get to see much of the game because I had to ref, but from what I hear it was absolutely embarassing. Three of my roommates drove down to go to it, and I almost went with them. Glad I didn't waste my time. The thing that sucks about Oregon losing is that they could have had a great one-loss season and maybe even gotten into a BCS bowl. Nobody expects them to beat USC, but they actually had a pretty tough schedule. Cal is a legit team and I had a feeling that the Ducks wouldn't fare well against them. If Oregon wins against a very good Cal team, beats Oklahoma and ASU (who were a very solid team up until they played Cal), that legitimizes the Pac-10, especially considering it would most likely end the year with 2 teams in the top 5.

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They made it somewhat respectable, but not by much. At least Cal was ranked decently and they didn't crap the bed like Auburn.

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Rumor has it that Michigan's top receiver, Mario Manningham, is having arthroscopic knee surger for a torn meniscus and is also thought to have a partially torn MCL. Michigan still has loads of talent at the receiver spot but Manningham was Henne's "get out of jail free" card. Not only that, he had 9 TD receptions on the year (2nd in the country). If the Buckeyes don't stub their toe somewhere along the way, it looks like they'll be playing for the National Championship.

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Rumor has it that Michigan's top receiver, Mario Manningham, is having arthroscopic knee surger for a torn meniscus and is also thought to have a partially torn MCL. Michigan still has loads of talent at the receiver spot but Manningham was Henne's "get out of jail free" card. Not only that, he had 9 TD receptions on the year (2nd in the country). If the Buckeyes don't stub their toe somewhere along the way, it looks like they'll be playing for the National Championship.


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Wonder how long he's gonna be out. But it won't matter if he plays against OSU, Malcolm Jenkins will shut him down.

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Those helmets were pretty crazy :blink: . Orgeon has too many different uniform combinations. It's like they have a different one for every game. The BCS is totally screwed up this year and the only good game with be the michigan vs. usc. Ohio State will absolutely crush florida and Notre Dame is about the most overrated team in the nation.

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I can't remember the last time I watched a college game that wasn't live so I think I'll just stop until there's a new system implemented. I don't plan on that ever happening though, so oh well.

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