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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone use playitagain sports to sell their gear?

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That's why you have different staff members specializing in different things. If they were to ask the hockey guy about volleyball, just defer to the volleyball expert. That way you don't look like you're talking out of your ass.

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That's why you have different staff members specializing in different things. If they were to ask the hockey guy about volleyball, just defer to the volleyball expert. That way you don't look like you're talking out of your ass.

Ya but you know that's not a reality. How many PIAS's have a full time expert in every sport there every day, a hockey guy, football guy, golf guy, basketball guy, skiing guy, lacrosse guy, baseball guy, etc, etc. Nice concept, but never fails when you go in, you get the guy who knows nothing about hockey.

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I would certainly try selling those skates on eBay. Either set a high enough opening bid, or a reserve price, to make sure you get at least your $62.50. :) Yeah, it's hit or miss, but how many millions of people are on eBay all the time. Granted, they're all not looking for hockey gear, but you've got a much better opportunity to get what you want for them there. If they don't sell the first time just relist them. It doesn't cost very much, and you may find you get alot more than you expected.

I once bought a pair of skates on eBay, used them for a couple years, beat the hell out of them, and then sold them on eBay for almost the same exact price I paid for them.

If you have an effective ad it helps. Don't just put in a couple lines of text and use the stock eBay photo system. Learn a little HTML(if you don't already know it), list features, show detailed pics. It's a fact that better ads produce better sales.

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when I worked at PIAS this is how it worked. You brought in a pair of skates that sell NEW for $200. The PIAS would then usually price that at half meaning $100, depending on the condition, better condition better price obviously.

So PIAS is selling the skates for $100 USED, this is where your options come in, 1) CASH, 20% of the $100. 2) TRADE 48% of the $100. 3) CONSIGMENT 60% of the $100.

Not the greatest of systems if you are personally looking to make a buck. But it worked out very well for parents who decided to clean out their garage and trade equipment in because little Timmy decided to start playing goalie this year. We made a lot of people angry who came in thinking they would get the moon for their used gear, but while PIAS does sell used equipment they make most of their money selling new equipment.

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