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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adrenaline line continued?

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Adrenaline is still in the 06 catalog, 07 product has not been announced. TPS needs to rethink their philosophy as their product has gone downhill under the new management. Then again, this was a down year for most manufacturers.

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are there any differences between the xn10 and adrenaline blade? i have the older xn10, without the new paint job that cuts a straight line from the shaft and blade

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Mods(Chadd), can you make me notice if TPS has 07' catalog?


I'm not running a shop anymore so I probably won't see the line before the show in January. If I catch the TPS rep when he's in town, maybe I'll get an early look but I wouldn't count on it with my schedule.

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Adrenaline is gone.

It'll be Response Lite, Armor, R2, R4, R6 and R8.

Which one hangs out with the gold colored gay guy with the English accent?

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Adrenaline is gone.

It'll be Response Lite, Armor, R2, R4, R6 and R8.

Gosh, I was just going to buy 2 Adrenalines. If the entire line is gone, then, there is no point to buy it.

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Adrenaline is gone.

It'll be Response Lite, Armor, R2, R4, R6 and R8.

Gosh, I was just going to buy 2 Adrenalines. If the entire line is gone, then, there is no point to buy it.

why would you not buy it just because the line is being discontinued. If anything, give it a month or two and when it's official, you'll be able to get them cheap.

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and just when tps started making a nice looking stick in the adrenaline control....they go back to fugly decals..... ive had success with tps in the past so i cant wait to see the response lite in stores

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i seen bertuzzi using a new black and white adrenaline.

It's probably the new Response Lite.


as JR says, it will be available in 6 color schemes at the pro level.

Check page 2 for the pic of Rob blake with the white/black one.

i swear it said adrenaline but i coulb be wrong. the edmonton oilers website has their preseason game photo gallery vs. the panthers. i'll check there.

EDIT: response lite it is.

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and just when tps started making a nice looking stick in the adrenaline control....they go back to fugly decals..... ive had success with tps in the past so i cant wait to see the response lite in stores

In my opinion, the Response Lite looks ugly. I mean it would be way better looking if they use one colour, black, like the one Bertuzzi using it (it's Adrenaline though).

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