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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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beer leaguer pants

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Hi, I'm a beer leaguer who hasn't played(ice) for a few years. Anyway my breezers no longer fit and I'm looking for some new ones. The only options I have found so far are the Graf 700 series and the Tackla 9000 series.(I have a 46"waist) Has anyone used these pants, and what are your opinions of both?

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I love my Tacklas. I think the sizing is a little bigger than what they suggest. I could easily drop a size compared to what their chart shows.

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I wear a 40-42" waist and am currently in mission M-2 pants that I got on closeout from 1800faceoff.com in a size XXL. they might fit, but I can't say for sure.

Also, the bauer girdle stretches quite a bit. I almost picked up a large used one from play it again for like $40, but I had just got my missions less than a month prior. The fit was fine on them. Not sure what kinda coin you're looking to spend, but if you're looking at grafs and tacklas, it's a safe bet that these are in your range. If not, and you have a PIAS you could look for these, or on ebay, and they should do the trick.

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If you can still find them, Harrow makes a big pant. I know that a guy I play league with has a larger pair (upper 40s).

Check christians too.

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Did some searching. Harrow now OOWWNNSSSSSSSS! (slapshot) Christian. They do make up to XXXL pants, but there are no listed inches for them. I e-mailed them with some questions, should hear back this week.

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Did some searching. Harrow now OOWWNNSSSSSSSS! (slapshot) Christian. They do make up to XXXL pants, but there are no listed inches for them. I e-mailed them with some questions, should hear back this week.

They have owned them for a while now. The pants are heavy and not even close to the quality of the other brands that you mentioned. I used to stock them.

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