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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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FL12 Issue

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I have had my flexlites for about a year now. about a month ago the eyelets have started to really break. some just pop out and some just break in half, it has happened to about 9 of them so far, has any one else had or seen this problem with the skates. also i do take good care of them, they are always dried out after every skate.

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A good shoe repair shop should be able to repair that for you.

Agreed. Any good leatherworking shop can put in some good ones for you too.

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That's been a problem with the FL12 - it just is not reinforced enough in the eyelet area. Pinch the material between the eyelet and the edge of the boot and you will see what I mean.

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I have had my flexlites for about a year now. about a month ago the eyelets have started to really break. some just pop out and some just break in half, it has happened to about 9 of them so far, has any one else had or seen this problem with the skates. also i do take good care of them, they are always dried out after every skate.

I had that problem with my old 852s. My sweat just broke down the eyelets and I had them replaced. Go to your LHS and have them put in new eyelets, your boots will last a lot longer that way.

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i have had them about a year.

also i am looking into new skates as well. the fl12 fits perfect in the standard width. i just tried the one90 in a d and it was a bit too narrow. any sugestions of some new skates. i have a normal heel and a wide forefoot.

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If those are built at all like the v12s I had (all three pairs of them), the eyelet area is dead on yoru boots. New ones wont take. Trust me.. three pairs, all fried eyelets, and I pull out too... They literally put like no plastic in the area to anchor the eyelets. I mean, you've had them a year so I figure that is par for the course or just about for modern performance first, durability second skates.

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