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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fit Graf 705 Vs Bauer 8090

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Im skating in 7 1/2 Graf 705's but I would like to pick up a pair of bauers just for fun. Do the 8090's fit at all like the 705's? I believe that they are both for wide feet wit mod instep. So would a 7 1/2 in the Bauers work for me?

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Sorry to hijack the thread but could someone please tell me what fits similar to Graf 609's. I've searched but can't find anything too certain. Thanks.

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Sorry to hijack the thread but could someone please tell me what fits similar to Graf 609's. I've searched but can't find anything too certain. Thanks.

Graf 709? ;)

Look into Nike skates they are somehwat similar.

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Sorry to hijack the thread but could someone please tell me what fits similar to Graf 609's. I've searched but can't find anything too certain. Thanks.

Graf 709? ;)

Look into Nike skates they are somehwat similar.

Thanks for the response. You seem to be really knowledgeale when it comes to mission skates, does the S or L line fit similar. Sorry to be a pain. :)

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Sorry to hijack the thread but could someone please tell me what fits similar to Graf 609's. I've searched but can't find anything too certain. Thanks.

Graf 709? ;)

Look into Nike skates they are somehwat similar.

Thanks for the response. You seem to be really knowledgeale when it comes to mission skates, does the S or L line fit similar. Sorry to be a pain. :)

Sorry, neither one is like a 609.

what if anything would fit similar to my 705's? I would love to try missions but no lhs has them for me to try.

S series are closer to 705s, a lot of Graf users in my area switched to S400s and S500s.

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