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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Euro 2004

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Not to mention that soccer is the most popular sport played amongst kids in the US.

95% of them still don't give a rats ass about pro soccer/football. No to mention it's worse on TV than hockey, golf or curling.

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Give the people what they want. It seems the people want to be treated to 24 hours of Punk'd and reality TV. I'm ready to move out of the country.

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Bye bye France, missed the game but woah, what a stir it will make in the french land.

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I think anyone would have sliced that on that penalty spot!!! The England management lodged a complaint with UEFA beofre the game warning them of the poor state of the spots... oh well its gone now.

Feel better france are out :D Thinking Czech's or Portugal to win it now

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Maybe not all of the Brits, i'm sure the welsh and scots were happy enough, bud there was some serious drowning of sorrows the other night, i'm sure 70% weren't fit enought to be working :ph34r:

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