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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wanted to post these, but didn't want to clutter the "Photos" thread, even though I realize these are (technically) "hockey pictures".

I played in a charity Ball Hockey Tourney this weekend:


I haven't played ball hockey in YEARS. I forgot how tiring it is when there is no "glide" you have to move ALL THE TIME!!!!!!

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Damn. Nice bass. Where did you catch it.

thanks man. well i live in texas so ive got my share of 6-9 pounders but i cant just seem to break 10! :( this one was out of a neighborhood pond and went 7 lb 4 oz.

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Awesome. Up in MN they don't grow that big. I think my biggest is about 5 and that is huge for around here. I need to go fishing somewhere south.

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you find your way to texas in the next month and i can take ya to a pond that has a few 7 and 8's that are a very good possibility of catching :)

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I wish I could, but it is going to be a while till I'm anywhere near a lake that has bass that big. Busy summer. Thanks for the offer.

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