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Mission Fuel Shinguards.

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A friend of mine has an extra pair he wants to sell me and I was wondering if anybody had tried them out. I wanted Jofa/Rbk shins but for the price, i may go for the fuels.

What about older mission shinguards like the m-1s. Were they any good?


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i use mission fuel 900 shins... i belive they are a source for sports smu around the lines of the fuel 85... they seem quite protective,imo, they are still new though only used them twice since i got themmm so i cant really comment on them to much. i dunno if i got hit with an errand puck yet though... im sure thats a good thing if i did. :P

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The Missions should be alright for you unless your into really serious hockey. In that instance I would go with a RBK/Jofa shin pad because they are simply the best. IMO.

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I have the Fuel 85s. I like them for roller. They're light, fit well, not too bulky. I don't know if I'd use them for serious ice though. I've taken some shots with a roller puck that have have left me in some pain. The thought of getting hit with an ice puck scares me a bit.

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Thanks. I can't try them out because they are new and if i try them and don't like em, they're going to loose some resell value.

Anyway, i'm still not sure.

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I have the Mission Fuel 110's and prefer them over the Jofa/Rbk which I had. I like the strapping system better and feel that I stay cooler in the Missions. I have taken some pretty hard shots in both the Missions and Jofa/Rbk and feel the protection is the same. I definately used more tape with Jofa/Rbk and have yet to use it in the Missions. I hope this helps

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