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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Rubbing

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After 3+ months with Synergy 1500c skates feeling fine, the last few sessions have been increasingly painful. On the left skate, the top edge of the boot (outside) above the ankle is pushing/rubbing against my leg. It seems to be getting worse and the only thing I can think of is to add some type of padding. It's at the top of the boot, so tight or loose doesn't matter.

Has anyone had a similar problem and can offer a suggestion?

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I had a pair of skates that would actually cut my skin. I just put a bit of ducttape over that part of the skate.. worked like a charm.

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ok....I'm learning here....I have skate bite straight above the ankle and it's to the point where I really can't skate without it getting worse, but all I could find through search is lace bite info.

I think this type of skate bite is pretty common, so is a fix as simple as not skating for awhile (not desireable), or a maltese/bunga/mouse pad in the effected area?

Or is it more of a skate fit problem?

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After 3+ months with Synergy 1500c skates feeling fine, the last few sessions have been increasingly painful. On the left skate, the top edge of the boot (outside) above the ankle is pushing/rubbing against my leg. It seems to be getting worse and the only thing I can think of is to add some type of padding. It's at the top of the boot, so tight or loose doesn't matter.

Has anyone had a similar problem and can offer a suggestion?

Sounds like the common 1300c ankle prob. I thought that had been solved with the 1500c

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On the left skate, the top edge of the boot (outside) above the ankle is pushing/rubbing against my leg.

That was common on the 1300.

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Ive got a similar problem with the Bauer 6000 skates. Instead of it being up top above the ankles, its below right on the side of my heel.

It was fine for the last 8 months, but now its starting to hurt because I finally ripped the hole in the padding. Now Im getting the blisters all over again. So you think duct tape will do?

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Ive got a similar problem with the Bauer 6000 skates. Instead of it being up top above the ankles, its below right on the side of my heel.

It was fine for the last 8 months, but now its starting to hurt because I finally ripped the hole in the padding. Now Im getting the blisters all over again. So you think duct tape will do?

Not the best permanant fix, but it works for about a week at a time. I did it to my salmings when I was breaking them in.

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Ive got a similar problem with the Bauer 6000 skates. Instead of it being up top above the ankles, its below right on the side of my heel.

It was fine for the last 8 months, but now its starting to hurt because I finally ripped the hole in the padding. Now Im getting the blisters all over again. So you think duct tape will do?

Not the best permanant fix, but it works for about a week at a time. I did it to my salmings when I was breaking them in.

Call me whatever but I didnt know salming made skates, thought it was just gloves.

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Ive got a similar problem with the Bauer 6000 skates. Instead of it being up top above the ankles, its below right on the side of my heel.

It was fine for the last 8 months, but now its starting to hurt because I finally ripped the hole in the padding. Now Im getting the blisters all over again. So you think duct tape will do?

Not the best permanant fix, but it works for about a week at a time. I did it to my salmings when I was breaking them in.

Call me whatever but I didnt know salming made skates, thought it was just gloves.


Nope.. they MADE skates (then stopped for some reason). I cant say a whole lot of good about tblades, but the boot was the best I have ever used. Fit like a glove from the first skate and was very very comfy.

Heres mine (I put tuuks on them).


Here's Hoffer's custom rollers..


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So, I take my skates to my LHS today, and while waiting for the owner to help me, the Easton rep, who was there by coincidence, asks me about the problem. First time he had heard of the ankle trouble with the 1500c after the 1300c. He offered to cover any solution, even a different brand skate if needed to solve the problem.

But realistically, the change was the same that was made to the 1300c last year. Cut a small section of the top carbon out, giving more flex to the side. I think this will work - time will tell.


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