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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So i've searched, haven't found out anything to help me personally. I found a Ducks shell on Ebay (old purple) which matches our teams jerseys. The shell its self is padded and such. My question is if a referee girdle would work to put under it? If not could it go over my original pants?

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The padding on pant shells--or more accurately, pro pant bottoms--is very thin. I'd definitely avoid going the ref girdle route, there won't be enough padding. I recently picked up a pair of Blackhawks pant bottoms (CCM) and I wear them over my pants.

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As a staunch advocate of the girdle/shell combo, A regular girdle will fit well under a set of pro pant bottoms. All you have to do is unbutton the top part and take the thigh pads out. Joshy 207, where did you get the Hawks bottoms? I was at Hawkquarters a little over a week ago and bought a pair also.

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The padding on pant shells--or more accurately, pro pant bottoms--is very thin. I'd definitely avoid going the ref girdle route, there won't be enough padding. I recently picked up a pair of Blackhawks pant bottoms (CCM) and I wear them over my pants.

Ok great. Thanks guys, thats all i needed to know.

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