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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Colorado Kid Line

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Early I know but I am really liking the Wolski, Svatos and Statsny kid line.

Very quick and they seem to have very good chemistry.

I am also thinking that Statsny may have some of his dad's vision for seeing the ice.

Nice to see SOMETHING positive for the Avs for a change.

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I'm interested to see how Wolski pans out, he took alot of nights off in Brampton and never really impressed me. I'm hoping he does well and I like both Statsny and Svatos.

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Wolski- According to some friends who follow the Avs is going to be a special player.

i could tell last year in the playoffs he would be someone to watch out for. seems like hes going to be a hell of a player.

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Wolski- According to some friends who follow the Avs is going to be a special player.

i could tell last year in the playoffs he would be someone to watch out for. seems like hes going to be a hell of a player.

Colorado is so good at developing players, especaially wingers (Tanguay, Hejduk, Drury) I'm sure I'm missing a few. And I can definatley see Svatos and Wolski ecclipsing Hejduk, they certainly have the skill.

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