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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S15 skates

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Just called Great Skate. S15 $430.00

I called them as well, so one of us must have heard the wrong price...(you).

The synergy 1500s sell for over 400, and the new stealth 11 is listed at 399.

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Thats just what the women told me on the phone. I repeated it to her as well thinking that she was mistaken. But $530.00 does sound more like what they would be.

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i called and asked the price about the stealth s15s and i pretty clearly heard 430$ and it wasnt from a lady it was from a guy, and yes the vapor xxxx's are 500 on greatskate

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Well maybe you guys need to get your ears checked, or the people at greatskate don't know what they're talking about...there would be no point selling an S11 stealth skate for 399 when people could just go for the s15 for another 30 dollars. Maybe they don't realize that this price is a bit "off", but hopefully I can get my preorder in at 430. B)

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If you look on Greatskates web page the skate is not called the ST15 but the Stealth SKS15 and they are listed on the site now fot $529.99.

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i cant believe they actually have the price listed on the website, i would expect a "call for price" -i hate that, finally someone can just list the price online, thank you greatskate.

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i cant believe they actually have the price listed on the website, i would expect a "call for price" -i hate that, finally someone can just list the price online, thank you greatskate.

It's not their decision if they can post the price or not, it's if Easton allows the price to be posted. That is why you see companys with the notorious "Call for Price", because it's the manufacturers will that it not be shown.

Now I just need to decide, One90 or S15 with LS2P, or Vapor XXXX decisions, decisions...

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i cant believe they actually have the price listed on the website, i would expect a "call for price" -i hate that, finally someone can just list the price online, thank you greatskate.

Maybe they listed the price to cover their rears after some of us were calling and got quoted the $430.00 price. Ya never know, that price could be gone tommorrow and back to the CALL FOR PRICE.

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oh god thye are just one size to big or else i would of been all over it! if anyone seens one that is size 8.5 in shoe size LET ME KNOW!!

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How can you possibly say that? This is a totally new boot you have never tried on, it is expensive as hell, and if anything, the cut on these seems real strange and shallow in spots. I mean, it's your cash, but think before you impulse buy on skates sight unseen.

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We'll be selling it for around 469 when it first comes out. Im pushing my rep to get me a pair, but more then likely ill try them out, not like the way they fit and then sell them for a few bucks and go back to my xxx's.

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I dont think I ever "waste" my reps time considering he lives one town over and is constantly in our store. He always orders a lot of items himself so when people call him up and need something locally he can have it there that same day.

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I have a pair of Easton Synergy's, low end but I love em. I'll bet they are pretty similar to the 1500's while saving 300 bucks. All I can say is this skate doesn't look very impressive. It looks like it has minimal strength in the boot to me.

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Not saying i dont get anything for free. The occasional stick tends to come my way, but when it comes to a $469 skate, i have no problem paying a few bucks to try it out. I could probably play hockey the rest of my life with the stuff i got, i just have that disease where i need to try any new that comes out!

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