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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Removing Jersey Numbers

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My team recently got new jerseys made out of town. Unluckily for me, the numbers on my jersey was sewn on pretty low. It would be easy to unstitch it and re-sew it higher but I heard the numbers might be 'stucked' on before it was sewn on. Does anybody know how to remove the numbers properly?

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unless they're obscenely low I'd leave them because it'll look like junk if they were glued and you tried to remove them, that being said you could try heating up the glue, but I think it'd still leave glue residue.

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If they are just stiched on without glue then they are easy to remove with a special scalpel blade you should be able to buy at your local "Drug store" that is made for removing sutures or stiches from human skin. Nifty little tool that comes in handy for all sorts of hockey related mess ups.

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