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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst 3 months in history, related to hockey.

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This is more of bitching than anything else but anyway...

First, I had some really bad back pain and was diagnosed with back spasms and a pinched nerve. I wasn't "allowed" to play and was on painkillers...

So finally the pain starts to go away and I get the freaking plague(ok, it was just strep) and was insainly sick for 2 weeks. Had no strength, no way I could even walk through the mall let alone play hockey.

Ok so I get better, back is feeling good... The day before I went back to playing roller hockey; I was at work and was using a pallet jack and had to avoid a forklift running me/pallet jack over and ran over my big toe with the pallet jack(that had a full pallet on it. Toe nail is still(been 3 and a half weeks) blue-ish/black and was bleeding. I couldn't put my skates on, which sucks btw when you're coaching and can't skate.

So anyway, now my toe doesn't hurt and the swelling has gone down. I go to play raquetball with my friend last week monday... I slip on a wet spot and dislocate my knee. It was only a partial and I've done it to my knee plenty of times, normally the pain goes away in about a week. Well anyway it's been almost two weeks and it's still hurting, I happened to have a doctor's appointmet because I have a cold and have my doctor check out my knee. Not only is it severly bruised but I might have some tendent damage.

So anyway, I know it could be much worse but it really sucks not being able to play hockey. Especially because I have a team of beginners that I could be doing a better job helping if I could skate with them.

And let's not even get into the Bucs sucking in football or the Yankees losing the 2nd game in the playoffs and getting stomped in the 3rd. Bad times. :(

Anyway, I figured I'd just share my suckage-ness with you guys... It also helps explain why I go to this site 4-5 times a day :lol:

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Wow, that's real bad luck man... Makes you realize that being healthy is everything in life. What would you do with a million dollars if you have back pains, a bruised knee and a crushed toe?

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