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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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looking for new helmet

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  althoma1 said:
Bargain Sports does have some good deals on ebay...they would sell more to Canadians if they didn't only ship UPS though as the brokerage fees are crazy. If they shipped USPS as well it'd likely help with business outside of the US.
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Oh yes! they would have my business too. too bad they use ups.

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JR Boucicaut Posted on Oct 14 2006, 09:45 AM

  Yes, we ship UPS. You wouldn't believe the amount of Canadian business we get, so I'd say we're doing just fine with UPS.

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I'm sure you're doing great in the US and have no doubt you get a lot of Canadian orders, but I'd be surprised if you get a lot of repeat Canadian orders. UPS charges a $40 brokerage fee to bring things over the border so a great deal becomes not so great sometimes once you add on the brokerage fees and taxes. Once those initial customers deal with that brokerage fee once or twice they may not be so quick to order again. I've dealt with the UPS/Fedex borkerage fees a few times and now I only order things from the US shipped via USPS unless it's in an insane deal where I'll still save significantly when you factor in the $40 brokerage fee. Maybe that's just me, but I still think you'd increase your Canadian business, especially repeat business, if USPS was an option.

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  Wild Wild Fan said:
Bargain sports is a very nice online store. I've bought a couple items through there and couldn't have been happier with them.

So JR Boucicaut, do you do alot of online work for them as your job, or are you a supervisor of somesort?

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No. I am a store manager as well as the hockey buyer for the company.

I am not involved with e-commerce; I write descriptions for the sites however.

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  hapamatt122 said:
  sc37 said:
  zingbergeur said:
  JR Boucicaut said:
I have prostock (no logo) HT500 VNs for $39
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Think the 'VN' stands for the vinyl nitrile foam. Think that's what it's called...it's the yellow or black foam instead of EPP. I'm guessing that's what it is.

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is that vinyl nitrile a good or bad thing? sorry I'm not update w/ my foams..

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We have both VNs and EPP foam 500s.

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Yeah, man, I saw that the other day and cracked up.

For those who haven't seen it, our slogan is "We have the buying power of a Giant; so we don't have to Monkey with our prices."

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Showed this link to our Bargain Sports manager, and while yes, UPS might cost more, but it is quicker and more accurate and it provides less headaches for both them and the customer.

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I use DHL. I sent something to Canada last week and they charged only $20 Canadian as oppose to the $40 for customs clearance. I would agree about hesitating buying something knowing there's a $40 dollar charge on top of crazy shipping prices. It's only worth it if you get a great deal and order $$$

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About the helmet.. a player that I play shinny with cracked his 8K helmet (took a slap shot to the visor) and switched to the intakes .. not sure if it would make a difference but he was complaining that the only reebok he would ever buy are the skates...(uses the 9K pumps)

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I, too am looking for a new bucket. I'm trying to narrow down my choices without breaking the bank so I'm looking for previous years closeouts. I also saw the HT400 and I've found an X-ray 1052 for $40.00, as well. They both have the EPP. I did a search on the 1052 and saw a few people say that the X-rays are bad, bad helmets. Might be a dumb question, but does that include their, then, top of the line model of 1052's, also? Another question I have is the fit. I have a smaller size head, 6 3/4 to 6 7/8 hat size so I'm looking at a medium but the shape of my head is more rounded than anything else. Any recommendations? Thanks.

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  badsk8ter said:
I, too am looking for a new bucket. I'm trying to narrow down my choices without breaking the bank so I'm looking for previous years closeouts. I also saw the HT400 and I've found an X-ray 1052 for $40.00, as well. They both have the EPP. I did a search on the 1052 and saw a few people say that the X-rays are bad, bad helmets. Might be a dumb question, but does that include their, then, top of the line model of 1052's, also? Another question I have is the fit. I have a smaller size head, 6 3/4 to 6 7/8 hat size so I'm looking at a medium but the shape of my head is more rounded than anything else. Any recommendations? Thanks.
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Depends, I'm not sure about CCM buckets but with Bauer you could probably go with a medium and with Mission I'd recommend a small for that size head.

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