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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Payback is a b*tch JR!

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I'm bummed the Cards won because it ruins a very interesting factoid.

In each of the last time a St Louis team reached the Finals, they lost to a Boston team. The Hawks to the Celts around '58, the Blues to the B's in '70, the Rams to the Pats in '01 and the Cards to the Sox in '04.

Now they've ruined the perfect symmetry!

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I think the time is nigh for Kenny Rogers to admit to either using pine tar or not being able to wipe his own ass.

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I'm sure my pitcher's club card won't be revoked for admitting that our catcher would have a little reserve patch of it on his glove and if we needed it we'd "go over the signs" and he'd come out and get some on the ball.

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Reading another article, Rogers is notorious for scuffing - umpires went over a bunch of the balls and they were all scuffed in the same spit.

One thing I noticed was that he wears the spring training cap (he blacks out the white stripe on the bill) instead of the gamer 59/50. The spring training cap is almost mesh in the back for those hot Florida games. My guess? He's putting it in his hair, because he reaches to the back of the cap before every pitch.

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Even though everyone seems to forget that the controversial first inning was Kenny's worst inning of the game, I can't get over that some of the Tigers have had some of the worst arguments as far as backing up Kenny. Robertson was on the FSN postgame show last night and showed his pitching hand, saying that dirt is always on the pitchers hand and that's all that was the case with Kenny. But his hand was just a little dirty from the balls, not very "dirty" like the spot on Kenny's hand was.

It is true that they dirty up the balls before the game. I used to have to do it during late innings when I worked in the clubhouse for our low-A team in Lansing, but they are dry by the time they get to the umps. I also remember the pine tar sticks that were around the clubhouse. Looking just like a glue stick, I remember the some of the pitchers using them. You just can't mistake pine tar for dirt: it's too thick and doesn't wash off easy like dirt. Kenny wouldn't have had an orange stain below his thumb if it was dirt.

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Reading another article, Rogers is notorious for scuffing - umpires went over a bunch of the balls and they were all scuffed in the same spit.

One thing I noticed was that he wears the spring training cap (he blacks out the white stripe on the bill) instead of the gamer 59/50. The spring training cap is almost mesh in the back for those hot Florida games. My guess? He's putting it in his hair, because he reaches to the back of the cap before every pitch.

if he allways scuffs why dont they do anything to him?

i mean are they that afraid of him?

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Of course they're afraid of him. You saw how he beat down that cameraman...

yeah, we talked about him in sportswriting today.

id be afraid of kenny rogers, but its worth pissing him off if it can win you the world series.

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