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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Announcer for games

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So I had a friend of mine who is a radio announcer make up some announcements for the group I play with. Basically a bunch of small one liners that I piece together into an announcement.

You can listen to a piece I put together here:


or if that doesn't work, try this:


I was thinking maybe I could get him to do some more so I could mix it up better. I'd like to get all of your ideas.

So.. any ideas would be great.. stuff like:

The white take on the darks in tonight's matchup


Watch for flying pucks!

funny or serious, I'd like to see any suggestions. Thanks!

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thats actually pretty good. I sound more like the leafs old guy Paul morris I can do the new guy as well . I dont know were my demo is but some where i have the NHL announcing rules like the line ups and how everything is supposed to be announced. I will see if i can find it another day.

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That would be cool. I don't have an entire lineup listed off as the guys change every week. But it would be cool to have the rest of the stuff.

I should probably have something like "This game is brought to you by Jason's Automotive Service, the worst garage in a ten mile radius!" I could probably come up with a ton of them.

"There will be no giveaways during the first two periods of the game."

"Please check your program on page 3 to see if the lower right hand corner has been signed. (covering the mike ) what do you mean we don't have programs?? (back to live) Yes, if your program is signed, you'll win a FREE CAR!"

stuff like that. People, seriously, I need some help.

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"We would like to thank our fans for not leaving the building after realising *popular comedy/soap opera* is on in 20 minutes"

"If any young hockey players are watching, please ensure they do not try copy these guys. They certainly won't make the NHL if they do."

"As our current special offer, if you sleep with a player they will buy you one drink at the bar after the next game"

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