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Hockey fighting

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my son playing bantam travel, and there are some fights hapening in the game.

So, my questions to the people who has on-ice fighting expirience and preferably having some martial arts training:

1. What limitations those fights have (I mean, looking at NHL, for example - they don't use elbows and knees, as well as skates)?

2. What are tecnical elements you used?

3. What kind of off-ice training would you recomend for preparing for such fights? (I am looking for special exersizes, something beyond fighting in hockey gear on slideboards)

4. For the fight thet may happend on the way to locker room, are the same limitations are applyed?

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my son playing bantam travel, and there are some fights hapening in the game.

So, my questions to the people who has on-ice fighting expirience and preferably having some martial arts training:

1. What limitations those fights have (I mean, looking at NHL, for example - they don't use elbows and knees, as well as skates)?

2. What are tecnical elements you used?

3. What kind of off-ice training would you recomend for preparing for such fights? (I am looking for special exersizes, something beyond fighting in hockey gear on slideboards)

4. For the fight thet may happend on the way to locker room, are the same limitations are applyed?

If theres ever a fight on the way to the lockerroom, you may be able to get that coach of thiers suspended. And alot of their players off the team for good. On ice fighting will get suspensions, but carrying on outside the rink is even worse.

And training your kid for a fight is kinda ridiculous.

Fighting will happen but you shouldnt need special excersizes and marial arts to prepare for them. (or even prepare for them at all)

Try to pull his jersey over his head, get your punches in, dont fall, dont let him blindside you. By that time the refs will break it up.

**Its not the NHL, The refs arent gona let them go once the gloves are dropped at his level

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If I remember correctly, a coach coaching youth hockey at about the bantam age got kicked out for training his kids to fight. During practices he would have his kids line up and fight to prepare for fights in games. I think its horrible at that age, Midgets on up is where fights should be slighty more tolerated.

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did you seriously just ask for someone with martial arts experiance to give you tips you can pass on to your kid for hockey fights? That is pretty freakin low. Tell your kid to be a man and skate away from the fight. Fighting when you are wearing a cage is usually nothing more then a big hugging match any how.

I hate hockey parents.

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Yeah, I'm gonna agree with that.

At bantam fights should be broken up immediatly, but if for some reason the ref wouldn't break it up, attention elsewhere or something, your only allowed to use your fists. Knowing martial arts and stuff like that won't do anything for you in my opinion because your on skates on ice, not barefoot on a solid floor.

Actually, they have helmets with cages on so really its not even worth it for your kid to throw his gloves like in the NHL because he'll just be smashing his fist off of a metal cage, not good. Plus I believe that actually dropping your gloves at that level will incur MAJOR suspensions and the like.

All the way up through highschool hockey the fights that happen is just two retards wildly swinging gloved fists at eachothers cage protected faces.

But if you insist on trainoing your kid to fight, have him watch 'Youngblood"

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#1 Don't drop your gloves

#2 Score on the powerplay

#3 If you have to defend yourself, tie the guy up and wrestle him to the ice

Any coach or parent teaching or encouraging bantams to fight should be ashamed of him or herself.

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I think its horrible at that age

I could not agree more. I think fighting is horrble at any age, and especially in a sport competition - if ii's not a martial arts at least.

training your kid for a fight is kinda ridiculous

Well, lets put it this way - fighting is something that could happend in the game., and training for anything that could happend in the game helps you to prevent injury in such situations.

aside from that, training sparring in full gear can be a fun exercise to end a hard training :)

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did you seriously just ask for someone with martial arts experiance to give you tips you can pass on to your kid for hockey fights


I have a martial art experience. But I don't skate - so I understand that my experience is irrelevant there.

I would never encourage kid to fight (well at least not for no reason or for selfish one).

but it is something that could happen - and I think that getting injured because you tryed to wrestle a bigger guy to the ground without having any idea about how to do that safely and got him felt on your knee is much more stupid than practicing it. Besides, practice gives you confidence - and this is an imporant factor too.

So, what I am asking for is:

1. what people do in a fight

2. From martial art coach view, what special exercises, (not hits or punches, but - balance, certain free weght exersizes, etc) would be helpful in such situations.

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#1 Don't drop your gloves

#2 Score on the powerplay

#3 If you have to defend yourself, tie the guy up and wrestle him to the ice

Any coach or parent teaching or encouraging bantams to fight should be ashamed of him or herself.


Great way to play.. I would rather go home with a win than go home winning a fight but losing the game.

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