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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Luongo's new mask....

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I am watching the Canucks home opener tonight, and they are wearing their blue vintage sweaters....Luongo has a different mask on, anyone has some more details of the graphics?

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Well, that's the regular one that he uses. He's got one on now that beige in colour and with some mock rust on it..... the Canucks logo (the one with the rink and a stick) on top and two figures on either side, looks like lumberjacks.....

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Don Cherry was criticing him for breaking out brand new gear for the home opener. I think he thought that contributed to the loss...

[EDIT] From the trusty MSH/NHL Photo Gallery:


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The figures on the sides of the helmet are little Courier du Bois (sp.?) dudes I think, they do look like llumberjacks. They have old time skates on and tooks. Must be a Quebec thing, no?

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