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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'll get suckered into going to see this, but with absolutely no expectations at all from it. There just isn't such a thing as a good horror/'scary' movie now and it makes me shudder to think that "The Descent" is one of the better ones in recent memory.

i agree.

i saw grudge 2 and it was not scary at all

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I would not even consider Saw and Hostel to be in the horror movie genre. They've created an out shock/out gore contest where people will just pay money to see the craziest shit these guys can come up with. Even the remake of The Hills Have Eyes seemed to be affected by this.

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I agree with that, but at the same time the classic horror guidelines most of us are used to are obsolete. If it's not coming out of Japan, it's not going to be scary in the least and will just be a shock movie like you said.

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i liked the first two saws much better because they actually had a plot and werent like non stop gore like the third, i mean the third one had a plot just not as in depth as the first two.

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Did anyone see the Saw 3 promo Letterman did last night?

"If you saw Saw 1 & Saw 2, then you have to see Saw 3...or, ask someone else who has seen Saw 3...they'll say it is the best movie they've seen since they saw Saw 1 & Saw 2."

It was very funny.

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i can admit that saw 1 and 2 was good, pretty good, but the 3... horrible,very very bad

may i ask why you think that. the twist wasn't all that great but it wasn't an awful movie at all.

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i will use the term you say: twist.

Well in saw 1 and 2, i couldn't guess the twist! 2 great punch, and they were nasty shit happening to the people but still i was able to eat my pop-corn.

In the 3, the horror scene are just nasty, the black guy who get is body twisted, or where the girl is straped with metal all over is stomach. that is JUST NASTY. I swear i stop eating. i couldn't eat anymore. In my opinions: the horror scene were TOO MUCH.

As for the twist, i knew it miles away what would happens to these guys at the end.it was too much prevesible.**I decide to delete the storyline just in case some one on this board would want to see the movie so i wont be a party-killer**

so horror scene: too much nasty thing... twist: too much prevesible

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You saw that twist? Well then you're a better man than I and you should have mentioned it somewhere in the other two movies' threads because the twist applied to all of them.

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