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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My little Warrior Rant.

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Don't mean to jack the thread, but how is the durability of the AK27 shaft? It sounds like the blades aren't great, but what about the shaft itself? Anyone know?

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I've got an AK-27 shaft that snapped in two in the service room. It doesn't look like anything special. There are no hot figure skating chicks from eastern Europe gravitating to it.

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The baby blue MacDaddy is the 2007 version (i.e. color) of the stick....confirmed though Warrior

f'in sweet! I'll be ownin' one of those babies for sure :)

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I posted earlier on how i broke one dolomite blade and got my replacement.

Update: My replacement blade is starting to break in the same spot as my last one. It is just a chunk out of the blade, but that happend on my last one, and it just started to expand to the checkered weave.

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I posted earlier on how i broke one dolomite blade and got my replacement.

Update: My replacement blade is starting to break in the same spot as my last one. It is just a chunk out of the blade, but that happend on my last one, and it just started to expand to the checkered weave.

How long did it take for each of your blades to start to break like that?

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