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Sherwood 5030 Shouldies

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Hey I was looking at these shoulder pads and was just wondering if they were any good.

I play with some pretty rough guys but I want something that light and airy and I saw alot of Junior A players wearing them.

Are there any other shoulder pads taht are also light?

I'am a pretty fast skater and my shoulder pads right now are kinda bulky (Bauer vapor 10)

Whats you thoughts?

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They are good. They are very minimalistic (which I like), but the chest/back pads aren't that great. I wouldn't recommend them if you block shots or take hard hits.

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A couple of Midgets in the area thought they would be cool and get them, a couple weeks later they came back in for new pads as they were pretty much black and purple all over. I wear them but I don't get hit.

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It must have been a much more laid-back league than around here. One out of every three HS games includes someone leaving in an ambulance.

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A couple of Midgets in the area thought they would be cool and get them, a couple weeks later they came back in for new pads as they were pretty much black and purple all over. I wear them but I don't get hit.

Yup. I wore them for a while till I started playing D. The padding on the front and back are basically light foam. It's isn't really made for great protection, rather to hold on the shoulder caps. I recommend them for somebody who likes minimal pads and DOESN'T take hard hits (they would work fine for non check league or a light check league).

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Well I take hard hits sometimes.

I can generally dodge most of the hits but sometimes i can get pretty hard

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I love them. Only myself and my good friend and team captian wear them for checking hockey but we both think they are great.

I guess it depends partially on how big you are, how much protection you need, and how well you know how to take a hit. If you are going to block alot of shots then they probably arn't for you, but if you are pretty big like me (I run 6'3 about 240), play up front, and don't block shots they will be great.

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Well I take hard hits sometimes.

I can generally dodge most of the hits but sometimes i can get pretty hard

Anybody can take a hit, I was starting to get bruises on my chest from stray stick butts when checking and from blocking pucks.

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I try and stay away from blocking shots and the ones that i do block most of the time hit my shin pads because iam generally close to the shooter

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Sorry to go off topic a bit, but are there any elbow pads that are similar in purpose? ie. light and non-bulky especially good for non-checking leagues.

I think I might try these shoulder pads since my Bauer 4000 just feel like too much for a league where I never get hit and rarely hit the ice.

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Sorry to go off topic a bit, but are there any elbow pads that are similar in purpose? ie. light and non-bulky especially good for non-checking leagues.

I think I might try these shoulder pads since my Bauer 4000 just feel like too much for a league where I never get hit and rarely hit the ice.

Sherwood makes a 5030 elbow and DR makes a similar line, one of the guys on my team loves his DR vintage pads. I also like the Jofa 9025, yes they're still Jofa and not RBK. It has no upper cuff and very little forearm wrap.

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