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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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endurance help

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I'm playing in a roller league for school and we only have 6 skaters and a goalie. Last game, I was stuggling to finish my last couple shifts. I've started running on a tredmill for 30 minutes every night, but does anyone else have an tips? I live sorta far from the rink so any off court stuff would be great.

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box squats lunges

basiclly go to your school gym and do the stairmaste, olypticals or any kind of cardio your gym has and if you school doesnt have a gym just do lungess and squats at home

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what really helped my endurance as well as my metabolisim and pretty much helps me get thru the day is running early in the morning. I started doing like around a mile a day and now I run upwards for 3-4. I usually start at around 5:30 or 6. It's not for everyone but if your serious about getting in shape it is the best off ice way i've found.

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I would recomend interval training so you keep as much of your fast twitch muscle fiber as possible while getting into shape for the intervals you need to play at. So something along the lines of 1 rest unit for 2 work units I guess.

Work on your goalie's reebound control, it'll get you more rest ;)

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I am no expert but I think that it would be better if you did sprints up a hill, a lot of reps in a row so you work on speed and endurance.

You're right.

Sprints are going to do more for a hockey player than distance-running on a treadmil. Forward, backward and sideways, uphill and downhill. Buy yourself a parachute and/or a weighted vest - they work wonders.

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HIIT is the key. High Intensity Interval Training. Grab your cardio machine of choice. Set to a moderate pace and "jog" at that pace for 45 seconds. "Sprint" the next 15 seconds. Repeat 8-20 times, depending on how long you've been doing it. Try not to go longer than 20 minutes total. You can start upping the split more in favor of the "sprints" as you get in better condition. If you have a track that you can run on, sprint the shorts and jog the straightaways.

There's TONS of info out there on HIIT. Just Google it for more info.

Hope that helps,


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Interval training really gives a good workout. I've just started recently, but I've been doing a 1:4 work-to-rest ratio (2 minute "jog" followed by a 30 second sprint... 6 to 10 reps) and I seem to have more "gas in the tank" later on in the game.

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If you can run for 30 minutes on a treadmill (assume at a high speed), you should have the endurance to play.

What is your eating like? Do you eat the day of a game, or do you skip meals and end up not having anything in the tank. Try eating a big lunch, with some protein and fat to last you. You might have a vitamin deficiency that is not allowing your muscles to use the food energy, so take some vitamin and mineral supplements to see if that helps. Finally, drink something during the game to replace your electrolytes or eat salty snacks--you just might be running out of salt by the end of the game and your muscles can not electrically fire anymore.

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Another route to go is try wrestling; wrestlers and fighters in general have the best cardio, period. Swimming can help, and going with the interval approach will accustum your body to dealing with periodic and somewhat random bursts of energy and oxygen use, hopefully making it more efficient in the future.

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I'd suggest adding these HIIT and related activities to your current endurance training, instead of outright replacing cardio with these activities. It's better to subject your body to a wider variety of training than just focusing solely on one "type" of training. Endurance isn't just about your muscles, it's also about how well your overall circulatory system (e.g. lungs, kidneys, liver, etc.) can process energy and waste that comes from exercise over extended periods of time.

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