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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most uncomfortable night of my life

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You're going to end-up with an with an infection or some kind of nasty whatever - you really should think about pushing it around in a stroller or something.

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Yes, some of us have steak and others have become beef jerky.

Are you making the implication that we all started-off as being as well-off/freakish as yourself?

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Yes, some of us have steak and others have become beef jerky.

Are you making the implication that we all started-off as being as well-off/freakish as yourself?

Are you admitting that you didn't?

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No Lkpt, I'm just saying that sometimes stuff just dries up and becomes beef jerky. Or hospital cafeteria meatloaf.

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I can't recall ever hanging to the ground...Jesus - it's hard enough trying to keep from pinching it between my knees now; I can't even imagine if my feet were actually brought into play.

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The food is better in the hospital than it is here at school - the pork-chops tastes like what a wet dog smells like...I'd opt for the hospital meatloaf.

Wait...that's not what you were referencing...nevermind :ph34r:

mack - you "moisturize" with lotion three times a day: that's why you haven't dried out, yet.

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You think that's bad? I was the only guy on our basketball team that had to wear pants. Even then people would go "What kind of brace is that and why is it coiled around your calf like that?"

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mack - you "moisturize" with lotion three times a day: that's why you haven't dried out, yet.

They always tell me "you have hands like a baby" and then I ask them if they want to see the arm.

PS-3 times? I'm offended.

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The only time I've gone swimming in public was in this lake back in Scotland. People took pictures and didn't know what it was so it drew too much attention and I took off. Now everytime I go back to swim there's people there waiting like they're trying to see something.

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