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New NHL TV Ads

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Hi folks. The new NHL ads promoting the game can be viewed here:


I like the Turco one the best. Having players in bedrooms and bathrooms is a little creepy. I think it would be better if they "reminded" people in restuarants, at work, grocery shopping etc.

I give the ads a 5.5 out of 10. They're better than the whole stupid warrior thing. At least the league is starting to clue in that marketing the players is a good idea.

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The Cheechoo ad is a good one....

I like the new campaign... A little humor and gets the messege accross...

7.5 out of 10.

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I've only seen the Cheechoo, and Forsberg ads... I'm going to watch the other 2 when I get home (I'm at work)... it's more of a 'fun' ad campaign, as opposed to recent years... being all serious and 'intense' as far as a sport that isn't as widly accepted in the U.S. just dosne't seem to work. Glad to see they're having fun with it.

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their a lot better than the crap they ran last year

if i caught some hockey player hiding in the shower with my wife in the bathroom, i'd be pissed....

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They aren't opening...I get a pop up window with a Windows Media Player logo...then just a grey screen.

I've seen the Forsberg/Cheechoo ones....

I'll try youtubing them later tonight...I'm sure they'll be there.

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Crosby and Turco one.

They are combined in that same video

Thanks...once I got home the NHL link worked...must've have been my work machine acting up.

Your youtube link is taking me to a "This video may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube's user community" message....and asking me to sign in to view them...but I have seen them now. Still like the Forsberg one best.

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