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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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redlight xn10 or mission ion

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This might be a tough one because there are probably niot many people who have tried both, but does anyone have any opinions on theses two shafts. I Like my M2 so I am leaning towards the ion, but everyone seems to have such good things about the redlight as far as shooting goes.

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The RLXN10 is an amazing standard shaft, very light very durable, but one drawback is that it is almost too light, so it can be hard to find a blade that will balance it out nicely, so you might have to end up using a wooden plug

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Have tried both, currently own 2 Ions.

Get the Ion, better balance with most blades and still a very light shaft. Durability is better too, especially since I broke both my xn10's like toothpicks.

Shooting wise the xn10 is a tad better, but the Ion is great too.

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