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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Refs really suck (this thread may have

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Holy fucking jesus, Joe sakic fell, was not upended by anyone, he FUCKING FELL, and the ref called Beech for a penalty, then decided this wasn't enough, they sent Pothier to the bench as well, to give the avs a 5 on 3 for the full 2 minutes.

I thought the caps were taking dumb penalties, and they did take a couple, but what the hell kind of cockmoney refereeing is this shit they have in the "new" nhl

You can take the head of someone and they let it go, but if you fart near someone, well, that sir is 2 minutes to you.

They need to call all the bastarding penalties, or none of them, and let the players sort it out.

Not calling slashing, not calling charging, not calling crosschecking, but calling mincing, prancing and hair being out of place, or whatever other stupid penalties they see fit to make up

On the other hand, Olie kolzig is on form, with 20 saves in teh first period alone, otherwise caps would be 4 down now

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I was about to make a similar post actually. I'm really amazed at how much of a dropoff there has been from last year. I didn't watch this particular game, but the game that sticks out in my mind is the TO/OTT game from last night. That game was completely out of hand. In the third period alone I counted over 20 plays that should have been penalties under the new standard of enforcement that went uncalled. Plus there were a ton of obvious calls that have nothing to do with interference or obstruction that weren't called. Tucker should have gotten an instigator, no question. It seemed to me like the refs almost wanted things to escalate. Yet they called Fisher on a pathetic hook. That game was absolutely embarassing to watch.

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