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Koho is Dead

WS Champs

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I watched the game last night, it was nothing special. I was glad to see St Louis win because of how everyone was crowning Detroit on their week off, but you can't help but acknowledge another record setting low for WS TV ratings.

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Yeah, I wasn't really exicted about this year's world series... Partly because of the weather, partly because of the teams in it, and partly because hockey is in full swing now.

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I don't think either team played well at all. With the division being so uneven I'd like to see the MLB switch to 8 teams or just take the top 6 records on each side.

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Tiger's pitching errors killed them. Next year they will be even better. Especially if they signed Bonds.

He would be a great fit, I can't imagine he would cause any problems in the locker room. :rolleyes:

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i thought it was a decend series, excluding the teams that were in it. supposedly this had the lowest amount of veiwers in a long time for the world series.

im just glad the cardinals won..

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As much as I hate the Cards, they really deserved this. The Tigers' play had been too bi-polar to win the WS. Depending on how they work on the pitching defense, they could return next year. But considering how hard it was for the White Sox this year, who are much better than Detroit or Minnesota, I don't know how they will do. The Tigers are more than capable of doing it, but so is Chicago. That will be a huge divisional fight next season.

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Minnesota should build on what they did this past season and won't start nearly as slow.

Chicago will have more motivation and may even make a major off-season acquisition.

Cleveland was hugely dissapointing and will at least be a harder victory next season.

Unless Detroit does something to improve themselves, I doubt they make the playoffs.

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