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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pens keep Staal

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Look at them then...........

Aren't all goalies of a given caliber to be in the NHL?

Not every goalie is worth a first round pick much less the 1st pick. MAF was a player who could have made an imediate impact. I mean the Thrashers had Lehtonen in the minors alot but he was getting acustom to the NHL game. They weren't trying to cut him short on bonuses.

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regardless of whatever grudge fleury might have with the penguins management, he's also got to look at the situation he's currently in with the pens. he's the obvious number one goalie on a team that might have the best young talent in the league on offense. if the defense continues to play decent, and i'm sure they'll get better as time goes on, he could find himself on a darkhorse playoff team in the east. what they have now is the start of something very good. i'm sure he understands the pens were in money troubles his rookie year and there was no point in him getting shelled every night in the nhl while he could go down and win with the baby pens.

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regardless of whatever grudge fleury might have with the penguins management, he's also got to look at the situation he's currently in with the pens. he's the obvious number one goalie on a team that might have the best young talent in the league on offense. if the defense continues to play decent, and i'm sure they'll get better as time goes on, he could find himself on a darkhorse playoff team in the east. what they have now is the start of something very good. i'm sure he understands the pens were in money troubles his rookie year and there was no point in him getting shelled every night in the nhl while he could go down and win with the baby pens.

He had made some comments indicating that he still held a bit of a grudge over going back to juniors the first year and WB the second year. The more important thing to me is that there is actually a bit of a glut of talented goalies in the league and not many teams will be interested in making a run at him.

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regardless of whatever grudge fleury might have with the penguins management, he's also got to look at the situation he's currently in with the pens. he's the obvious number one goalie on a team that might have the best young talent in the league on offense. if the defense continues to play decent, and i'm sure they'll get better as time goes on, he could find himself on a darkhorse playoff team in the east. what they have now is the start of something very good. i'm sure he understands the pens were in money troubles his rookie year and  there was no point in him getting shelled every night in the nhl while he could go down and win with the baby pens.

He had made some comments indicating that he still held a bit of a grudge over going back to juniors the first year and WB the second year. The more important thing to me is that there is actually a bit of a glut of talented goalies in the league and not many teams will be interested in making a run at him.

I agree... Goalies in the "new NHL" are a surplus, with teams having backups that can be starters with other teams

I don't think teams will be commiting too much money on goalies unless they are completely above the class

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