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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skrastins pro curve

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I think its whdb who has started a database of pro curves, with pics, look for his profile, see if he has a URL in it, he has a number in his name, I think its whdb18, but go to the photoshop thread, he has muliple posts there, so should be able to find it there

EDIT: Found it, here is his site


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Depends on the year. His SL are pretty damn close to a Sakic retail clone while his older sticks (e.g. XN10 and Synergies) have the blade shape and lie of a retail Modano but a Lidstrom kind of curve. I have both models myself.

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Thanks a lot everybody. It was one of his Synergy grips I was curious about. I have a few old wood Sakic pro T-flex blades at home ( I 'm at work now ) and the pics seem to remind me of that curve somewhat , do you guys think it ( the synergy grip era ) would be close to that in any way ?

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