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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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removing the fight strap loop on pants

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Well I'm assuming that little loop on the back bottons of any pants is supposed to be to hold down a fight strap.. since that isn't required in any league that I"ll ever play in, is it safe for me to just cut it off? the only purpose it serves is something for me to grab when i pick the pants up off the floor. my problem w/ it is that I have mission L5 pants and for some reason that loop is really big and my jersey rests on it and it looks annoying. so is there any reason why I shouldn't cut that off?

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I cut the loop off of one of my pairs of missions M-1 pants last season. The reason why I cut it was because defensemen would always grab onto it in front of the net. Now with the new standard of play, it hasn't been an issue with my newer M-1s.

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i don't think it's a fight strap - but yeah, you could definitely cut it off if you're not using it to hang your pants up.

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This loop is good to hang it somewhere to dry the pants... And i always pull my pants up with this thing when they are a bit too loose.

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