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Sundin's Gloves

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You would think Mission would learn their lesson from Hull.

I don't know how much of it is a marketing angle. I think it may have to do with supplier turnaround time for a demanding player who wants the best of both worlds.

I hope we learned our lesson too ;)

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If that were the case, why doesn't Sundin just get a pair of MIAs?

Last I checked, the Flying M doesn't make the glove lighter.

If he doesn't like the current Mission product or anything Mission makes, he shouldn't sign a deal with them.

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If that were the case, why doesn't Sundin just get a pair of MIAs?

Last I checked, the Flying M doesn't make the glove lighter.

If he doesn't like the current Mission product or anything Mission makes, he shouldn't sign a deal with them.


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Yeah, but there was a history of gear whorage/unfulfilled endorsement deals with Hull and Sundin; Modano used Easton his entire career until the RBK debacle.

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I don't disagree. But since I'm in R&D, and not in the marketing/Pro department, I don't know what 'deals' are being made.

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We're not hating on you, don't worry.

Whew....thanks. I was getting worried there.

Why not a ModSquad glove?!!

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We're not hating on you, don't worry.

Whew....thanks. I was getting worried there.

Why not a ModSquad glove?!!

We had some Heliums made up a couple years ago. Want some pics? I do need some new custom S500s, who do I have to bribe?

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We're not hating on you, don't worry.

Whew....thanks. I was getting worried there.

Why not a ModSquad glove?!!

We had some Heliums made up a couple years ago. Want some pics? I do need some new custom S500s, who do I have to bribe?

Its too bad that turned into a giant pain in the ass for you guys. I'd be down for some custom MSH L7's to go with my MSH jersey.

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I will tell you I am going to start working on our own version of a glove of Sundin...Once I get a sample to see exactly what needs to be done...

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wait, isn't Modano using RBK gloves with Old Old Easton gloves model? I meant the RBK on the Easton'ish model glove. Also, Smyth, he used Hespler gloves, but he changed into Easton gloves with same model.

I think the companies making (copying) gloves as some players request, even if the model is different.

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We're not hating on you, don't worry.

Whew....thanks. I was getting worried there.

Why not a ModSquad glove?!!

These are mine.


The order were for black/white with the MSH logo.

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wait, isn't Modano using RBK gloves with Old Old Easton gloves model? I meant the RBK on the Easton'ish model glove. Also, Smyth, he used Hespler gloves, but he changed into Easton gloves with same model.

I think the companies making (copying) gloves as some players request, even if the model is different.

You're annoying with your back-to-back posts when there's an edit button.

Anyways, Smyth is back to the same Eastons he's worn since coming into the league (not sure of any Hespelers he used) but the difference is he's got his Gretkzy hard-on and is using the monster cuffs.`

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