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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

Career Path

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Well I'll start out telling you that I am 16 years old and a Junior in high school. This year I took the AVC (area vocational center) for automotives. Basically we work on cars all day and learn the different tools and stuff. Taking that class pretty much locks you out of going to any college but a Tech school. Its a two year course and if I drop it then I pretty much wasted my high school years.

I've been thinking alot about what I want to do with my life, not so much what college but just what career I would want to pursue. I'm almost 100% sure that I dont want to go into the automotive field, taking that class was a mistake. I think that I might want to do something inside the hockey manufactuering. I'm not really interested in equiptment design and all the scientific things. I was thinking more along the lines of a sales rep. or anything else. All I really know is that I want to be around hockey all my life.

I plan on having a family, I know that is a long ways away but I'm pretty sure that owning a small hockey shop is not going to support a family of lets say four. I'm not for sure though, if you've had success then let me know.

What I really want to know is what other type of positions are available inside the hockey world - inside the big brand names like Easton, Bauer, Mission, CCM etc.

I really dont even know what type of college degree I would need, if one is needed at all. What would you suggest to be looking at if I wanted to go into something like this?

I know of at least one MSH member that has a job like this, Justin1933 I believe.

Thanks for any help that you can give me,

All Torhs Team

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Not trying to hijack your thread but I have a simular dilemma and perhaps it could help you as well......I was just wondering what career you guys think has the best future. thanks in advance.

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I'm pretty sure we had a fairly comprehensive post about the realities of becoming a rep a couple of months ago.....check the search.

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If you are not afraid to work hard, get a trade. They make some excellent money and provide you with skills that are valuable for the rest of your life. People always need electricians, plumbers and pipe-fitters. Once you get your ticket, you're off to the races.

Some people look down on tradesmen and women as being dumb or lower-class. Not the case at all. Looks can be deceiving. I think you would be surprised at the money they can make - heck, call a furnace repair tech on a weekend in the winter... you'll find out quickly!

(By the way, I'm not in the trades, but have several friends who are. They're doing just fine!)

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jibby- the career with the best future is one in which you can see yourself enjoying for 40 some odd years of your life. Money is great, but in the end, if you aren't doing something that you like then chances are you'll end up a miserable person.

As to specific careers, but with all the baby boomer nurses that are starting to retire, nursing is a great field to get into as far as being able to get a job just about anywhere, not to mention having a vast amount of options within the field.

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