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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Yahoo Music, Rhapsody or ?

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I'm looking at subscribing to one of these music services. I like yahoo's at $5 a month, but I don't know if it has all the features I'd like. I don't have a portable music player that plays the protected types of songs (just mp3's) and I am happy with my mp3 player. I was hoping to find a service where I could just download the mp3's and have them forever once I paid for them, but Yahoo Music does let you burn CD's at 79 cents per song. I figure once burned, I own it and if I wanted to rip to mp3 that's my choice. Rhapsody doesn't appear to offer this.

I don't listen to a ton of music, but my wife does, and at the computer is where we'd use it most. I prefer talk radio.

Anyone have any suggestions on whether yahoo or rhapsody is better, or if there is something even better than those two?

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I prefer itunes even though 99 cents a song is a bit much...most whole cds are 10.99 and plus you can buy subscription cards if you dont want your visa on the internet.

Oh yeah theres Limewire. Its Free you probably heard of it. Its not illegal because its FileSharing. So essentially your just sharing music you've already bought. Im not sure if its not illegal correct if im wrong. :ph34r:

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I used to use Yahoo...but the DRM protection crap was a pain. Plus the browser/software is pretty slow. Also, you can only download one song at a time. The download speeds are really fast...but you can only get one song at a time. I guess that isn't a huge deal, just an observation.

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I was under the impression allofmp3 is illegal.


In May 2006, the Moscow City Prosecutor's office changed its position and launched a criminal case against AllOfMP3 owner Denis Kvasov.

Limewire/shareaza etc are definitely illegal. I'm too old to have worry about having the cops take my computers. I can afford a buck a song.

Does itunes or any of the other pay services offer true MP3 downloads without the copy protection crap?

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