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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Downloading Youtube videos

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I have figured out a way to download videos off of many vido hosting sites such as Youtube, Google Video, DailyMotion, etc. This site downloads the file into a .flv (flash player) format. But for those with a converter such as Videora iPod Converter, they can be converted to use on an iPod or PSP. Enjoy!

Keep Vid

P.S. I think this has been discussed before but no one actually had a solution so I found one.

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well, what's i'd do is:

1. Download it

2. Convert it

3. Use computer with DVD drive

4. Burn using DVD Burning software onto a blank DVD (available at Bestbuy, Circuit City etc.)

5. Watch it

Hope that helps you out

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I just got an ipod video and I have not been able to figure out how to put any video that I didnt buy off of iTunes. If i put a link into this site from google video and click the mp4 psp/iPod setting can I just find it and place it in iTunes then onto my iPod or is there more I have to do to it?

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If you use Google Video and they give you the option to download the .MP4 file then thats all you need to do. I think on Google Video there is an option to download the iPod version so you dont always have to go to an external site

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