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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which holder will suit my RBK8k's?Bauers or Grafs?

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If you want bad holders go with the Graf's; but if you want good ones that are durable and will last go with the Bauers.

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I have replaced my CCM holders with bauer LS II holders and runners, they seem to be a little stronger and definately look the part, If you like the Lie of the existing holder I suggest that you do a slight heel lift or just try a 9 ft + 1 forward to get a similar feel - that worked for me .

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I had to replace one of my cobra holders. They broke at the outside back screw hole. The material had gotten kind of flimsy, actually. Once I took it off, I also noticed a crack in the back of the stantion. The other holder went bad shortly after that, and I just bought new skates. The grafs were worn out anyway.

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Nothing wrong with the Cobra holder...never seen one broken. EVER.

Steel is a different story altogether.

So what is wrong with the graf steel already????!!!!!

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Nothing wrong with the Cobra holder...never seen one broken.  EVER.

Steel is a different story altogether.

So what is wrong with the graf steel already????!!!!!

One kid on my team has had two steel breaks in the past month. I don't think I'll ever use grafs, and neither will he.

400th post!

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Nothing wrong with the Cobra holder...never seen one broken.  EVER.

Steel is a different story altogether.

So what is wrong with the graf steel already????!!!!!

One kid on my team has had two steel breaks in the past month. I don't think I'll ever use grafs, and neither will he.

400th post!

I thought I read some posts here about graf steel being harder and holding an edge longer?! Did I dream it?

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No you didn't dream it, graf steel holds and edge excellent and is less prone to breaking than other "top" if you want to call it that, brand steel. I prob replace one or two broken graf runners a year. They do rust easy, but are not bad in other regards.

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