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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Backmasking songs

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I'm sure everyones heard the old if you play stairway to heaven backwards you can here a satanic message. Well i guess you can and heres some other crazy things you can hear playing songs backwards Backwards songs

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Yea I saw that exact page about a year ago but they only had like 5-6 songs. Looks like they added some.

I guess its something to debate about. Real or not real. Some of them though I think were obviously made just to backmask. Take Fire On High for example. When you play it on forward you cant understand a thing and it sounds like nothing. But in reverse you can understand it perfectly, like it was played out like that.

EDIT - Take Stairway to Heaven for another example. In reverse it says something about 666. Then look at the regular lyrics and try to match that up to something it would sound like. What could possibly sound like 666 in reverse? Nothing in there. Just another reason I think most of that stuff is false.

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The only one that I can see being done on purpose is the Pink Floyd one. Seeing as how the forward ausio is indistinguishable....they probably did the "message" then reversed it on the original version.

The rest are coincidences that you really have to listen for to hear.

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That is scary. its 12 here and its freakin me out. i wonder if people did that on purpose. Cuz most of them are about satan.a couple about weed and one about sleepin with britney spears. how can those be fluke and make sense.either way its freaky sh!t

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That is scary. its 12 here and its freakin me out. i wonder if people did that on purpose. Cuz most of them are about satan.a couple about weed and one about sleepin with britney spears. how can those be fluke and make sense.either way its freaky sh!t

relax, the people who started screaming about back masking were the mutant relegious zealots who see satan in everything the have problems with. Most of what they say is back masking is is just garble noise. Some idiot decides they here something and they tell you what it is suppose to be saying then your mind picks it up...just like looking at an ink blot or cloud and someone says...hey it's a bunny!.

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ye i know but it was just pretty scary at the time being night and all

Yeah, if your 5 years old.

You're Badass. Talking shit over the internet. Does it make you feel better about yourself putting down others?

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ye i know but it was just pretty scary at the time being night and all

Yeah, if your 5 years old.

You're Badass. Talking shit over the internet. Does it make you feel better about yourself putting down others?

Warning added, plus 7 day suspension for hitting 80%.

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