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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick stiffness after cutting short

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I'm wondering if anyone knows how much flex you lose when you cut a stick down?

For instance, if you buy a 100flex stick and cut 2 inches off, what does the new flex rating increase to? Is there a formula per inch of some kind?

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hMMM...+5 OR +3? Well, it gives me a rough guide anyhow. I

'm playing with a 100 Flex Warrior right now that is cut down about 2.5 - 3 inches. I've been thinking about getting another shaft and thought I'd try an 85.

I like my slappers with the 100 however, my wristers don't come off too strong or fast. And it's not like I have many opps to unload a slapper in a game.

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Wouldn't it vary from manufacturer, size(eg. senior or junior) and if its been used (my experiance is that sticks 'open up' after use and become whippier)

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I've taken the NBH chart and calculated some percentages.

Here are the Senior percent increases.

77: 1" = 5.19%, 1.5" = 7.41%, 2" = 9.64%, 2.5" = 11.76%, 3" = 13.79%

87: 1" = 5.17%, 1.5" = 7.43%, 2" = 9.59%, 2.5" = 11.77%, 3" = 13.84%

102: 1" = 5.20%, 1.5" = 7.46%, 2" = 9.64%, 2.5" = 11.81%, 3" = 13.79%

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is a stick with less flex, less durable then a stiffer one? Im only 5'8" and I cut my sticks down alot.Both my L2 and synergy st are 85 flex, but now that this thread popped up, I might be interested in getting a softer stick and seeing how it works once I cut it down. But I dont want it to snap like a twig either. any thoughts?

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is a stick with less flex, less durable then a stiffer one? Im only 5'8" and I cut my sticks down alot.Both my L2 and synergy st are 85 flex, but now that this thread popped up, I might be interested in getting a softer stick and seeing how it works once I cut it down. But I dont want it to snap like a twig either. any thoughts?

I've always wanted to post a link to another thread...This may help, too. ;)


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is a stick with less flex, less durable then a stiffer one? Im only 5'8" and I cut my sticks down alot.Both my L2 and synergy st are 85 flex, but now that this thread popped up, I might be interested in getting a softer stick and seeing how it works once I cut it down. But I dont want it to snap like a twig either. any thoughts?

Actually most people feel it breaks less with a lower flex because there's more give. Kinda like punching a wall vs. a pillow.

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If you put an Oggie Grip in the stick after cutting it down, it will become flexier. In other words, if it was a 100 flex to start, it would measure as lower than 100 after the Oggie has been added. It's hard to know how much, but it would probably end up closer to 90 flex, although that's just a guess.

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Cool that this topic comes up again, cause I'm struggling through different flexes and questions about them too. I'm 6' 187, average strong and had a long break from hockey. Playing RW and working more on my wrist shots, slappers are ok though. I'm on TPS whip flex now coming down from stiff, regular (all TPS) and a 90 Fury. I'm feeling kind a week, since everyone in my teams smirs at my flex. What I noticed (or not?) is, that even within one brand ( my case: TPS) some pro sticks feel stiffer/different than than the retails, although with the same w,r,s..marked! even between different retail models they feel different to me (Adrenalin - ResponsePlus)...or am I getting kind a spastic...so I'm collecting sticks...thanx MSH ;-)

Another question (I know we had that in one of the 200 flex-threads before)

...I know the 5% rule by 1inch...how is this with a wood plug...isn't the stick flex measured only by the composit part? So cutting a wood plug changes the stick different/not compared to a total composite stick???

(edit: aaargghh GermanEnglish sorry)

PS. Oggie Grip...isn't that thing to heavy for the balance?

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I don't know how a wooden plug affects the stick flex.

Regarding the Oggie being too heavy, it's about a net of 3 ounces, so I've never noticed any difference. I know that the built-in flex causes harder shots, but that's not why I use it. It just feels more comfortable than the rectangle of a shaft.

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I don't know how a wooden plug affects the stick flex.

Regarding the Oggie being too heavy, it's about a net of 3 ounces, so I've never noticed any difference. I know that the built-in flex causes harder shots, but that's not why I use it. It just feels more comfortable than the rectangle of a shaft.

I love the Oggie grip but it does throw off the balance of good sticks. Mine weigh in at 4.3 oz for the Ergo and 5 oz for the Classic.

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I don't know how a wooden plug affects the stick flex.

Regarding the Oggie being too heavy, it's about a net of 3 ounces, so I've never noticed any difference. I know that the built-in flex causes harder shots, but that's not why I use it. It just feels more comfortable than the rectangle of a shaft.

I love the Oggie grip but it does throw off the balance of good sticks. Mine weigh in at 4.3 oz for the Ergo and 5 oz for the Classic.

Trimming it down can help reduce the weight.

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odp, I weighed the Ergo at 4 ounces and estimated it would replace about 1 ounce of composite, so I figured the net difference is 3 ounces.

I'm just not a good enough puck handler to notice that difference. For me, what I noticed immediately was how much more comfortable the Ergo was.

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I love the Oggie grip but it does throw off the balance of good sticks. Mine weigh in at 4.3 oz for the Ergo and 5 oz for the Classic.

Just as an FYI, the slightly added weight of an Oggie can be a benefit to many players looking to have a more "blade-light" feel on their sticks. The grip is effectively acting as a counter-weight to enhance the balance of a stick and make the blade actually feel lighter in your hand.

And because the 4oz. of an Oggie is located at your top hand, players do not feel as fatigued after continuous stick handling as they would if the 4oz was located in the blade area.

Some like this blade-light feel an Oggie gives, some don't, it's all in the individual.

In trying to put things into perspective on what 4oz. actually is. The Oggie weighs as much as 4 decent ball point pens.

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I love the Oggie grip but it does throw off the balance of good sticks. Mine weigh in at 4.3 oz for the Ergo and 5 oz for the Classic.

Just as an FYI, the slightly added weight of an Oggie can be a benefit to many players looking to have a more "blade-light" feel on their sticks. The grip is effectively acting as a counter-weight to enhance the balance of a stick and make the blade actually feel lighter in your hand.

And because the 4oz. of an Oggie is located at your top hand, players do not feel as fatigued after continuous stick handling as they would if the 4oz was located in the blade area.

Some like this blade-light feel an Oggie gives, some don't, it's all in the individual.

In trying to put things into perspective on what 4oz. actually is. The Oggie weighs as much as 4 decent ball point pens.

i agree. the weight added at the butt end doesn't really reduce blade speed during shots or make stickhandling more difficult because of the increased mass. it does make the stick feel more balanced for many sticks.

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