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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 Right Skates

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A friend of mine from San Diego bought a pair of ONE90's and they sent him 2 right skates by mistake. Is this normal? I can see how it would happen being the logo is on both sides of the skates...

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So, two rights do make a wrong. Huh. I'm amazed that it's been twenty minutes since your original post, and no one has said "that wouldn't have happened if he'd gone to his LHS".

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A long lost friend of mine had two different sized feet. I'm not talking about the little differences most of us have. I really mean they were a full size different. That's why whenever he'd buy shoes, he'd try on the two sizes, then he'd pull a switcheroo so he'd get the left shoe that's size X and the right one that's size Y.

Another reason why some products are better purchased from a store so you can inspect them thoroughly before going to the cash register to pay for them.

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It's normal in the sense that just about everybody makes mistakes at work from time to time. Packing boxes is very boring, causing minds to wander. Or, ten people want to try on One90s at the same time, and in the frenzy of cleaning up after them a shop worker puts skates away in the wrong box. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.

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jitt, most shoe stores check for the same sizes nowadays.

i would be pissed if i owned a store and someone did that and i was left with 2 mismatching skates/shoes

My guess is if the store does not have a match for it, the its up to NBH to buy them back or whatever.

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I got shipped a pair of skates once with only one skate in it. I was then informed the other one was still in the show room when I called them.

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jitt, most shoe stores check for the same sizes nowadays.

i would be pissed if i owned a store and someone did that and i was left with 2 mismatching skates/shoes

I agree...I too would be pissed if I was on the wrong end of the switcharoo. That's why I take matters into my own hands and really inspect products before I buy them!

I find online purchasing great for books, CD's and other commodity products. I'd never buy something as finiky as skates online. I would only consider it if I bought an exact model that I've owned before and it was a real bargain.

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So, two rights do make a wrong. Huh. I'm amazed that it's been twenty minutes since your original post, and no one has said "that wouldn't have happened if he'd gone to his LHS".

and 3 rights make a left :D

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a member posted a little while ago that he bought a pair of skates in-store on closeout and wound up with two different model skates (I think one was a 652 and the other was a 552).

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I know CCM has put the wrong size holders and blades on skates. They did on my tacks. The holders and runners were a size 296, not 288.

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