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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shipping Sticks?

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I just usually wrap the stick in garbage bags and tightly tape it. The cost is usually $25-35cdn.

There's also other threads on tips to ship sticks. Search "shipping sticks", and you'll see some results.

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If you're gonna use UPS, do not box the stick up. If its boxed, it'll probably be sent down the line with regular packages. If you trash bag it or plastic wrap then it'll be carted to the specific truck and will most likely be put into the truck at the end or atleast on top of a wall instead of at the bottom where it can be crushed.

/UPS employee :(

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Wrap it in bubble wrap, then a garbage bag. Then process it online at usps.com, letting them know that it's less than 84" in total girth.

Let's just some of the sticks can exceed that girth.....

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I have my sticks shipped via consolidator. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they had placed 2 sticks inside of a document tube. Apparently, they make long enough ones for shafts. I haven't had OPS and wood sticks shipped over though. Just shafts.

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If you're gonna use UPS, do not box the stick up. If its boxed, it'll probably be sent down the line with regular packages. If you trash bag it or plastic wrap then it'll be carted to the specific truck and will most likely be put into the truck at the end or atleast on top of a wall instead of at the bottom where it can be crushed.

/UPS employee :(

yeah but, if you don't box it you pay an additional handling fee because it can't be stacked with the boxes. which is more than the cost of a 8x4x53 rifle box.

/former ups employee :(

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I wrap my shafts in Poly and the blade with a cardboard cover and small bubble... Then wrap the whole thing an a garbage bag type material... USPS Priority about $8.00..

Never a problem.

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So to recap (and make sure I read the other threads correctly).

1 or 2 sticks: secure blades and hosels in cardboard and then bubble wrap and tape everything. throw an address on the outside and thats it?

Shipping in the US or to Canada: USPS Priority is the best price. Correct?

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I just tape together 2 of those triangular tubes you get for free at the post office. It keeps the stick from being crushed and it's cheaper than putting it in a rectangular box. It usually only cost me 7-10 dollars with priority mail in the US.

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I shipped 3 shafts to the UK for $25 via USPS, it got there in under a week.

USPS is the way to go, but shipping to Canada through them can take a while.

I will always box the sticks I send because I don't want to risk damage. Cardboard pieces inbetween the shafts so they don't rub or scratch eachother, then bubble wrap around the ends and middle then tightly packed in a box.

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Another vote for USPS. I bubble wrapped an SL and got it shipped for ~$8. I went to UPS the day before and they said I had to put a cardboard box around the stick, then rang me up at $68 based on the dimensions of the box.

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USPS is the best way to go. $8 Priority Mail gets it delivered in 3-4 days and they will accept sticks with as little as an address label for packaging.

even less... I just shipped a Dolomite (wrapped in 1 layer of bubble wrap, and brown shipping paper. I wrap the stick in bubble wrap, then candy-cane it with shipping tape. Roll it up in brown shipping tape- candy cane again with tape.. done) for $4.79... got there in 3 days.

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