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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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high shots

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how do you do those wrist shots into the upper net when you are close to it. those high angle shots. both forehand and backhand. like wheres the best spot of the blade to shoot the puck from.

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I usually chip/snap it up when in close. if your blade face isn't very open, it helps to pull the puck back a little and flip it up all in one motion. Forehands are usually off the toe, backhands off the heel.

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Usually if im up close i'll just pull the puck back a tiny bit, cup it a little and release with the face open. I find that works a lot of the time

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There are several factors to how high the puck goes.

On the open face of the blade, the amount of opening of the blade has an affect if the puck comes off or rolls off the toe.

Angle of the stick when released as well as pressure of the puck on the blade.

When I say pressure of the puck, I mean if your skating fast , there is pressure of the puck onto the blade. If you are just standing still, the only pressure comes from you pushing the puck forward.

Get a puck and practice up against the boards.

Roller puck can be used to some extent to work on the motion until you get on the ice.

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