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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick stiffness... chart for comparing brands

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I tried to search, but got about 30 pages of topics, and couldn't find what I was looking for.. I know I've seen this on the sight, but I am looking for a comparisson of the leading stick brands, and how their flexes compare to eachother.... more specifically what would a vaporxxx 102 compare to in an easton... I have a opportinuty to pick up a handfull of these for $150 Can. each, but they are 102 flex and I am not sure if that is too stiff for me.. thanks guys...


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Look in the top yellow bar on every MSH page. It's called the Flex Chart, right next to the Pattern DB

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There is a flex chart link on the top of the MSH too bar. There is quite a bit of stuff, not sure if it is everything you want, but a good place to start nonetheless.

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thanks guys never noticed that... simple... but didn't see it...

o.k. it seems to be about a 100 in an easton... can anyone who has used a 102 compare it to the easton 100... are they close.. which one is stiffer?? thanks guys..

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I'm 5'7 and about 165 lbs. I own the Vapor XXX Lite with the 102 flex and it is a lot siffer than a 100. I also own an Easton Stealth SL thats about 100 and the flex difference between the two is pretty different. The Easton was more easy to flex than the Lite, but nonetheless I still use the Lite. It just takes some time to get used to, but a 102 is fine.

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I've always felt that Bauer's flex system was just a marketing ploy. "Our 87 flex is better than their 85" and so on. Kind of like saying 86 flex is better than 85, but +2 sound like better numbers.

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I've always felt that Bauer's flex system was just a marketing ploy. "Our 87 flex is better than their 85" and so on. Kind of like saying 86 flex is better than 85, but +2 sound like better numbers.

But this one goes to eleven!!

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