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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate fit after lacing

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There has been a lot of discussion on this board about insole, orthotics and skate fit in general. I just bought new RBK 5k skates that fit perfect for optimal skating, but when they are laced up pretty tight, they still tend to lean in a bit unless I roll my ankles to keep them straight. The question is, when skates are tied correctly, should they stand stright up and down or should there be a little lean? My arches are nedium high, with a high instep. Since I'm just getting used to the new skates anyway I figure this would be a good time to go with different insoles if I need to. Thanks!

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There has been a lot of discussion on this board about insole, orthotics and skate fit in general. I just bought new RBK 5k skates that fit perfect for optimal skating, but when they are laced up pretty tight, they still tend to lean in a bit unless I roll my ankles to keep them straight. The question is, when skates are tied correctly, should they stand stright up and down or should there be a little lean? My arches are nedium high, with a high instep. Since I'm just getting used to the new skates anyway I figure this would be a good time to go with different insoles if I need to. Thanks!

yeah, they should be straight up and down. I'm having this issue myself with only one foot.... my right foot. My left foot aligns fine, but my left is supinated (rolled inward)... not sure how much it will help, but here's the link to the topic a couple of the guys have addressed.


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I do need to experiment with lacing since I just got them. I'll try it!

I also did a test with my foot, wetted it and stepped on a paper towel. My arch is higher than I thought, maybe need some arch support insoles. Thanks!!

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I am taking your advise, will get some Superfeet Grey insoles. I have a game tonight and won't be able to get them before, but I have a pair of Shock Doctor Hockey footbeds I'll use until I get the Superfeet. Not as good, but maybe better than the insole that came with the 5K's. Thanks for the advice!

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Ok, I checked around local stores, and I can get the Superfeet "Black", but I can't find the Grey. I'd like to put something in my skates for Sunday. Would the black work in a RBK 5K size 8 D and my high arches? If not I'll order online and suffer. I can get the Sole heat moldable ones at my LHS, so if black is a reall no-no, I might just try the Sole footbeds until the greys get here, then I can post a comparison. I need something to keep my foot from pronating in. Thanks, this bunch here is a godsend!!

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