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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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After watching this I am dissapointed. It was the worst ever movie, I thought it was a drama, not a comedy, with the exception to the O.R scrub joke. Can someone please explain to me the humour and why the movie is highly praised? Thanks!

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I think all of those movies are funny in a "man, that's messed up" sort of way. And when Bill Murray blocks that little kid on the basketball court....classic. It's just a bit dryer humor that some like and some don't.

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I was going to retort but then I clicked on HBO and Femme Fatale's on, right when Rebecca Romijn is dyking out with some hot frog. I'll try again later.

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I liked it personally. It is very dry humor, not for everyone. I also like the Royal Tenanbaums, similar style of movie.

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I liked it, along with Bottle Rocket and the Royal Tenanbaums. Wes Anderson is one of those directors that you either love or hate his movies.

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I was going to retort but then I clicked on HBO and Femme Fatale's on, right when Rebecca Romijn is dyking out with some hot frog. I'll try again later.

That scene and the one in the bar are fantastic. Too bad she got Stamosed.

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Oh yeah, can't forget about that part. I also heard she split with Uncle Jesse, so now the prophecy of her accepting my seed is that much closer to coming to fruition.

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I liked it, along with Bottle Rocket and the Royal Tenanbaums. Wes Anderson is one of those directors that you either love or hate his movies.

i think rushmore is by far the best out of that series. i was tyring to explain that its funny, but not "stupid funny" a la Ace Ventura. its also a movie containing a deeper meaning, which i dont have the time to explain. the one liners in it are funny though, namely the OR srubs, the basketball, the part where the son tells Bill to pull his head out his ass, and that whole "Quick one while he's away" vandalism scenario.

If you didnt like the movie, you HAD to like the soundtrack

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