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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Repetition to habit

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Hockey Canada actually did a study a few years back estimating that it takes 30,000 CORRECT repetitions to build muscle memory. Notice it is muscle memory, as in an action. So you would need to correctly execute a skating stride 30,000 times to make it second nature. 30,000 snap shots. 30,000 toe drags. It's similar to a golf swing, or shooting a basketball. Correct repetitions is the important thing.

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my wrestling coach said it takes around 21 repetitions to build a fundamental understanding of any skill, so that is the bare minimum

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Correct repetitions is the important thing.

My baseball coach always said "Practice doesn't make perfect: PERFECT practice makes perfect."

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This is probably more info than you wanted (14 pages worth :o ), but this link provides an interesting read about “Learning Sports Skills and Motor Developmentâ€

Finally, it’s important to distinguish between making a new skill a habit and making corrections to an erroneously performed skill habitual. That is, removing bad habits from a skill you already know (even if you perform the majority of the skill correctly) can be more difficult than learning a new skill. However, on page 9 of the article there is a description of a very interesting method for “reprogramming†erroneous skills that is called the Old Way / New Way Method.

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Ido not know what the science says, but my kid did a week with Smushkin once, which was around 3 hours a day by 5 days, and he your could see a pretty good muscle memory many months later from that ammount of repetition.

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honestly, i think it depends on the person. some people catch on to things easily and can contantly do them correctly and without a thought. others take longer.

its hard to say a specific numer of hours or times because each person is different and some people get habits easily.

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