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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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great magazine

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All Access Pass magazine,from the hockey news,is taking you inside the NHL,and behind the scenes.if you love ice hockey and the NHL this is one magazine you want to pick up.

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All Access Pass magazine,from the hockey news,is taking you inside the NHL,and behind the scenes.if you love ice hockey and the NHL this is one magazine you want to pick up.

I subscribe to the hockey news, and it arrived a couple of months back, great read.

This weeks edition has a bit about different stories/oddities for teams.

For the caps it was how brian sutherby has a black belt (junior) in tae qwon do and that he could have potentially represented canada at the olympics in it.

For the pens it was how crosby uses an old school almost straight blade (after I read it, I went to getty and looked at some pics, it's real flat).

Best mag subscription I ever got

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The magazine is called "The Hockey News"

It's a weekly magazine during the NHL season, and then monthly for the offseason. They also do 4 "special" issues per year, on on the draft/prospects, one on fantasy hockey, and a couple more. This year, one of their specialty issues was an "all access pass" with some great stories from refs, coaches, broadcasters, behind the scenes with players, stories from the off season, basically just the sort of stories you don't read that are not hockey stories, but are hockey people stories.

Hope that clarifies it. It's about $50 for a year subscription, and so far, its the best mag subscription I ever had.

Finding more and more reasons to go to the bathroom now!!!

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