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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing Bauer holders

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I'm looking to have my ls2 powers replaced because of a small crack in the holder and I was wondering how long it should take a pro shop to replace both skates with LS2's?

And I called the pro shop and they were not open so they couldn't tell me obviously

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Depends on if your tight with the people at your shop or not, I party with the guys at the shop I work at, well the younger guys at least and if there slow I could go in and they would do it while I wait, other than that if you have a good shop I think a day or two at the most.

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Took my shop 2 hours to pull off my LS2's, redrill holes, move the holders over, rivet them down, radius + sharpen them.

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I'm looking to have my ls2 powers replaced because of a small crack in the holder and I was wondering how long it should take a pro shop to replace both skates with LS2's?

And I called the pro shop and they were not open so they couldn't tell me obviously


This same exact thing happened to me in a game this morning and I missed basically the whole game. We had to drive to another rink to a pro shop and we were lucky some one there knew how to do it. We asked the guy if it could be done right away so I might be able to make the third period. The worker said it would take at least 30 minutes but it only took about 15-20 tops. I have bauer 6000's witch dont have a quick release plus my rivits were stripped so he had to take apart the boot. He must have been good.

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It will also depend on if the staff working that day knows how to do it.It's highly likley that all the employees will not know how to do repairs. If the staff says it will take a couple of days, that likley because either no-one is there to do it, or maybe it's busy and the staff is serviceing the retail customers.It's always better to wait and get the job done correctly. If they are re-drilling holes, you don't want somebody that's new at it getting his "on the job" training with your skates.

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I've had both of mine replaced on different days, each time it took about an hour or so. Course, the guys working at my LHS are skate repair experts, so it depends on the type of employees at your store. If they're just register jockeys and have no knowledge, then you might be in for a while.

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