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VICTOR Hockey training CD-Rom

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This is basically the blurb on it. I am trying to drop body fat and add muscle next year, so figure if I could get set up on a decent system, all the better.

Anyone have any opinions on it, good or bad? It's only $16 shipped from inlinewarehouse so its not going to break the bank one way or another

V.I.C.T.O.R. (Virtual Interactive Cyber Trainer & Online Resource) is the first fully interactive software that customizes strength training and conditioning workouts to the user’s specific needs and personal information specifically for Hockey players.

V.I.C.T.O.R. Hockey 1.1 CD-ROM constructs a 12-week, 3-phased training program

Program is based on the player’s age, weight, height, gender, training experience, training goals, position, and seasonal status

Data base of over 450 exercises

Each exercise has a video demonstration of the correct way and incorrect way

Able to simply click on any muscle group to view a list of exercises

Allows the user to customize the workout with exercises that feel more comfortable

Once the training program is created, it’s stored on your hard drive-easily accessible

Each day workout is listed on a printable form, which includes columns for:

Name of exercise

Required reps

Goal weight and reps

Set 1, 2, 3 results

4 week layout

Not Mac compatible

Designed to help athletes develop hockey specific skills through strength training.

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I used it and it gives you options to customise your work out (what you want to work on etc - Conditioning, muscle etc. I havent looked at it in quite a while. It is gd most of the excercises use resistant cords tho. It depends if you have the time to carry out all the excercises, I brought it to gain muscle and more explosive stuff. but i get bored very quickly of weights etc.

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Our rep gave us a couple of the discs. I loaded one up and set up the workout and if I actually followed it, I'm sure it would help. I left the discs at the shop when I left so I don't have access to them anymore.

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