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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Skates

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I have Torhs Winter Cup coming up and I'm in need of new skates. The previous skates I've been wearing have been Nexed Core's and I've had a pair of the Stinger's. Well the boots are shot and the chassis are bent so I'm in need of a new pair. I'm looking to keep the price as low as possible for a good quality skate since I have to buy pants, new girdle, and a couple more minor things before I leave. Does anyone have any suggestions on good priced skates for the money that fit a Vapor/Nexed foot type. I wear a 9D Vapor XX for ice if that helps. Any and all suggestions is greatly appreciated!



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How about some old nike skates? there are still some around.

I have both shadows and rollerdaddys. They are both awesome. I use the rollerdaddys indoor, they are so good, I love them. awesome skate.

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well,being the winter cup is in the first week in january you dont have much time, also whats your budget?but -heres a few things to think about.you cant play without skates and you dont want crappy skates or your feet will hurt all weekend.look for a closeout model mission ,nike/bauer,middle to top of the line skate. do you plan on useing them for the rest of the year?pants and girdle you can find cheap at online hockey stores,or just use the girdle you have for the weekend,you might have to sacrifice something.is there anyone on the team that might have an extra pair of pants for a loaner,just to get bye the wints cup.the summer nats is the one you want the good stuff for,man good luck.

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Well I already have the girdle and pants. I'm thinking about maybe the Rbk 6k's but I have no idea as far as fit goes compared to the Bauers. Can anyone throw out any info or experience with the 6ks?

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Well I already have the girdle and pants. I'm thinking about maybe the Rbk 6k's but I have no idea as far as fit goes compared to the Bauers. Can anyone throw out any info or experience with the 6ks?

The 6K's are a decently nice skate, comfy out of the box and solid feeling. I personally couldn't justify paying more for them than my Wicked 7's though. I fit Vapor ice pretty well, wore out two pairs of Stingers and the Missions fit my feet. The ankle foam is a bit tougher to break in without baking on them than previous years, but the boot is just as stiff as the 6K, both come with Hot Shot wheels, decent bearings, and some Hi-Lo variant.

The difference of $50 just to sport RBK wasn't worth it to me, but to each their own.

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Well to be honest, I was also looking at the 7500's from last year and also this years Bauer XR-Lite (upgrading the wheels). Around here in Indiana we don't have any stores really that sell roller hockey skates so I have no way of trying any skates on so this is all going to be merely a shot in the dark guess. I appreciate any and all the information and suggestions, its greatly appreciated. Just keep it coming!

Thanks again to all who have made suggestions thus far.

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Well to be honest, I was also looking at the 7500's from last year and also this years Bauer XR-Lite (upgrading the wheels). Around here in Indiana we don't have any stores really that sell roller hockey skates so I have no way of trying any skates on so this is all going to be merely a shot in the dark guess. I appreciate any and all the information and suggestions, its greatly appreciated. Just keep it coming!

Thanks again to all who have made suggestions thus far.

then go for the 7500's, the XR and XR-Lite are based off lower end ice boots that simply aren't as stiff and supportive. Might as well make the money stretch as far as possible, though I still support the Wicked 7 as on par with the 7500's barring wheel/bearing package. The 7's in fact feel a bit stiffer, but it may be because the boot feels a little taller. If you are looking at the Bauers plus wheels, you might try the Wicked 5 at $290. Of course you might not want to stretch that extra $90, so the 7500 or Wicked 7 still get the nod from me as good choices in the mid range.

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Well I just got $300 for Christmas tonight to put towards anything I need for the tourney and or whatever, and I see that the 9500's from last year are $199, I guess it all comes down to the 7500's, 9500's, and 6k's? I just need to know which would be closest to the fit I get in my Vapors without actually trying them on.

What's the size difference for Mission and shoe size?

Thanks again guys! Hope you are all having a great holiday season!

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the Missions will fit closer to a Vapor than RBK, but I can fit all three comfortable if that helps any about sizing differences. the 9500's far and away are the best skate on that list, get those and have $100 left over for whatever else. My Missions are a size 9 and I'm in size 10 shoes, 8.5 in Vapors.

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way to many problems with the 9500 for me to recommend and you can do a search to find out why. Also you'll end up having to buy a new set of wheels cause those wheels are "factory" wheels and anything with the name factory on it means CRAP! in fact i think factory owes me money!

if i were you i would take that $300 and buy CCM vector PF10 from last year for $289. top of the line boot, top of the line magnesium chassis and top of the line wheels. got those for $400 a while ago and it had been worth EVERY penny! :D well worth the extra $9 if you add the extra money new wheels will cost you on the 9500 and a lot less pain and suffering.

ps. don't buy anything with the name factory on it! :angry:

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way to many problems with the 9500 for me to recommend and you can do a search to find out why. Also you'll end up having to buy a new set of wheels cause those wheels are "factory" wheels and anything with the name factory on it means CRAP! in fact i think factory owes me money!

I thought the 9500 skates had Rink Rat wheels on them? I've heard nothing but good things about those skates from the people I know that have em'. Strong 7000 series aluminum frames (way better than the frames on the 7500/5500 and lower models). Nice solid and stiff boots, etc. etc.

Are you maybe talking about the 2005 He950's?

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I think he may be confused with the HE950, which was an all around lemon and had Factory wheels. The 9500 is a bomb-proof skate, though I'm not terribly found of the silver all over the skate.

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9500 I had came with rink rat standard and were awesome skates for the brief time I had them. Sold them to move into some 10000 which are my skate of choice...Highly recommend Mission 2006 line up

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I think he may be confused with the HE950, which was an all around lemon and had Factory wheels. The 9500 is a bomb-proof skate, though I'm not terribly found of the silver all over the skate.

:blink: oh your right i screwed up... $199 for the 9500 is a good price.

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Thanks guys! I went ahead and went with the 9500's! I still have about $100 left so it worked out perfectly. To all who responded and threw out opinions and help it has been greatly helpful and greatly appreciated. And to sdcopp--my team's uni's have silver in them so I don't think they'll look that terribly bad ;) but thanks again to all!


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yeah the 9500s came with the rink rats & mini bearing set up,they did come down in price.and $100.left over,sounds like things worked out for you.and with almost 1 week to go before the cup series,time for alittle skate brake in.sweet.

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Update: Come to find out the place I was ordering them from doesn't have a size 9.5; not to mention that NO where has a 9.5! Does any shop guys here have roller hockey stock that they are looking to unload for around $200? Or can anyone suggest another skate in that price range that would be equally as good? Thanks in advance!!


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there are some on Ebay from a guy in NY, not sure what sizes he has available, here's a link to his items:


the recent auctions he had going have ended, but he might have some still stock.

Of course I still endorse the Wicked 7 as it's stiffness is around that of last years 7500-9500, and has decent bearings, wheels and a solid chassis.

btw, Hockeymonkey is blowing out CCM Tacks ice skates if you have some chassis already to mount up to them, just a thought.

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No set of chassis lying around. Wow, as for now it looks like I'm screwed! If anyone on the board has a good pair of skates lying around that they don't use and need anymore and are willing to let them go around size 9-9.5 please PM me or post!



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I'd like to TRY and keep around $200 as much as I hate it though, I might have to go to the $250 range. Ah, why can't anything ever be instock when I need it! :P

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like I've said a few times now, I think the Wicked 7 would make you happy at $200. I wouldn't talk so highly of them if I didn't have a pair myself that I'm happy with.

edit: Hockeymonkey has last yrs PF8 by CCM for 180 in a bunch of sizes. Not a bad deal for that price.

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